Last Saturday, I headed down to the Freshlook's Eye for Beauty event at Plaza Singapura, along with Shar.
When we arrived at the event, we were attended by this lady whom I can't remember her name.. But the eye make-up that she had on, matched the multi-coloured hairlights in her hair. Blame it on my absurd memory, I really need to do something about it :(
She sat down with Shar and I, and briefly explained to us the program outline for the event that day. We were also introduced to make-up expert, Larry Yeo who was going to be conducting the make-up demonstrations later on. After which, her colleague chatted with us for abit before bringing us down to the optical shop to get my lenses fitted.
Wanted to be a little more adventurous and try on the more extravagant colours, but I guess I will probably not step out of my comfort colours of brown and grey. Having tried the Pure Hazel (my current lenses), hated the brown and grey, I decided to give the new Sterling Grey a try.

Nah, one spastic photo for you all :)

Nah, one spastic photo for you all :)
If you look closely at the lenses, you would find that the 3 coloured tone, compromises of blue, grey and a darker colour to it (can't decide if it's dark brown/grey). In comparison, the Freshlook Grey lenses compromises of brown, grey and then a darker colour.

I was a little in shock when I looked into the mirror, because the lenses seemed to look alot blue-ish rather then grey, which I thought was a little odd. But then Larry pointed out that it was probably the fluorescent lighting.
By the time we got back to the event hall, the Freshlook Brand Ambassadors were on stage getting their makeovers done by two graduates from the School of Make-Up and getting their pictures taken.
With the emcee Soo!
At 3pm, Larry took the stage to demonstrate how to take your make-up from "Day to Night" on Evonne. I was recently introduced to her blog by a friend and coincidentally, she too was at the event. And she's very pretty in real life!

Picked up quite a few useful tips during Larry's demonstration. Tips that would make you go, "Doh!" For example, lining your eyes. Common mistake that we make (even I'm guilty), we tend to start lining our eyes from above our lashes and when you tilt your head slightly back, you would notice a bare patch of skin which is actually the part that you didn't line aka your lashline.
Throughout the day, Larry helped me touch up on my make-up alot. Seriously ah, don't know whether to blame the sucky eyeliner or just my eyes. Despite the use of eye primer, seems like I still have oily, smudgy lids :( I was recommended to ditch my Too Faced Shadow Insurance for the Urban Decay's Primer Potion.

Slapping on me warpaint..

Throughout the day, Larry helped me touch up on my make-up alot. Seriously ah, don't know whether to blame the sucky eyeliner or just my eyes. Despite the use of eye primer, seems like I still have oily, smudgy lids :( I was recommended to ditch my Too Faced Shadow Insurance for the Urban Decay's Primer Potion.
Slapping on me warpaint..
Left eye done, right eye not!
My mum insists that this isn't me :(
In this demonstration, he explained the kind of colours that we should use to not only compliment the coloured lenses but also how to make your eyes pop! I was very, very excited because Larry decided to use the Urban Decay's Naked Palette (which I have been dying to get but it's been sold out) for his demonstration on me! Oya and I just got my hands on this palette yester-friggin'-day and I'm mad happy about it! *spasms* Now I can almost try to recreate the look :S
The look consists of bronze/brown colours and a purple eyeliner was used to give a little colour and add a tinge of playfulness! Thanks to the make-up, I was all prepped up for a night out! Unfortunately, I couldn't make it to Home Club for the after party because my back acted up! :(
Anyway, this is how the final look is!

Yayaya, I know. You can see my fine lines, I'm aging okay?
I've been using Freshlook lenses for probably over a year now and I've had no issues with it! I used to have constant and prolonged eye infections from the last brand of lenses that I've tried. I like how the Freshlook Colourblends are subtle in colour and enlarging the iris, as compared to the Geo lenses/ big-eyed lenses. Great for everyday use!
After trying on the Sterling Grey lenses, I feel a little gutsy to go further and give the green and amethyst colored lenses a try! :D
PS. I had an awesome "photographer" lol. Thanks Sharmain Tang! :)
The look consists of bronze/brown colours and a purple eyeliner was used to give a little colour and add a tinge of playfulness! Thanks to the make-up, I was all prepped up for a night out! Unfortunately, I couldn't make it to Home Club for the after party because my back acted up! :(
Anyway, this is how the final look is!
Yayaya, I know. You can see my fine lines, I'm aging okay?
I've been using Freshlook lenses for probably over a year now and I've had no issues with it! I used to have constant and prolonged eye infections from the last brand of lenses that I've tried. I like how the Freshlook Colourblends are subtle in colour and enlarging the iris, as compared to the Geo lenses/ big-eyed lenses. Great for everyday use!
After trying on the Sterling Grey lenses, I feel a little gutsy to go further and give the green and amethyst colored lenses a try! :D
PS. I had an awesome "photographer" lol. Thanks Sharmain Tang! :)