I've been consumed with Korean classes! It's been about a month and a half since I started and it will be my final class next week! Hopefully, I'll be able to continue to the next level. 화이팅! I've also been working on a project for the past few weekends but all that has since wrapped up for me! So aside from work taking up most of my time, I can finally breathe a little!
It's also been a week since I last received the BIG news, which I will probably share with everyone in due time. There's still much that needs to be sorted out and very little time, to make the most of everything. And even though I've been really stressed about it, I still believe that everything happens for a reason and good things will find its way, once I've crossed these obstacles. I just need to start working really hard now! :O
My diet and exercise plan has been a failure for the last few months. Breaking my tail bone has got to be one of my biggest regret, because it really fucked my entire system up and it's so hard to get started all over again! I need a personal trainer! T.T
And most of all, April is always a sign of my yearly trip to..... Bangkok! I am 14 days away from my next off day, which coincidentally happens to be the day that I am finally going on leave! Strange enough, I am not as excited as I usually am, but I believe it's probably because I am both physically and mentally exhausted, that I'm just looking forward to a day where I don't have to wake up early or go to work.
Also, I had initially planned to go on a trip with my dad to celebrate his birthday next month and when I shared the news with my siblings, everyone wanted to come along! So we decided to plan a family trip (Phuket or Bali), which includes my mum as well! However, due to unforeseen circumstances, we may or may not be able to make this trip happen, but if that doesn't happen, hopefully we'll still get to drive up somewhere.
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Here's a picture of me looking really exhausted =o= |
That's it for updates~!
Hope that I'll be back soon with more entries!
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